Corina Pittella MDT Physical Therapy Fisioterapia



I graduated in Physiotherapy at the “Faculdade de Ciências Médicas de Minas Gerais” in December 2007. I started my training in the McKenzie Method - Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy in 2008. It took 2 and a half years of 5 workshops and 1 refresher course, before my Credentialing Exam on the Method. I took the test at the end of 2010 and in that same year I received my first specialization title: Cert. MDT.

After 4 more years of clinical practice, between 2014 and 2015, I deepened my knowledge under the "Diploma Program", through three months of online discussion forums and, later on, 9 weeks of clinical practice in a McKenzie Certified Clinic in Saint David’s Hospital, Austin – Texas. At the end of 2015, I passed the Diploma Exam receiving the Diploma title, internationally recognized among doctors and physiotherapists specialized in the musculoskeletal and orthopedic area.

I worked for 12 years with private practice, in a McKenzie Certified Clinic – MDT, in Belo Horizonte. Over the last three years I worked with online and private practice.

For about 8 years, I have been in a Discussion Group among colleagues, in which we provide care to patients with more complex conditions, to discuss their approach and the most suitable reatment. In addition, we discuss patient cases, also seen in our clinical practice.

In 2018 I have finished the Probationary Program to become teacher at the Brazilian Branch of The McKenzie Institute International and, since 2019, I teach introductory courses to Physical Therapists, which start their formation in the McKenzie Method.

Welcome to the Website. Browse, inform Yourself and in case You want to clarify any other questions, contact me. I’m here to help.

Yours sincerely,
Corina Pittella


“Corina has a vast experience in Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy in Lumbar, Cervical and Thoracic spine, as well as with peripheral joints problems. She worked with me for 12 years and was responsible for my patient’s follow-up and treatment. When I need a Physical Therapist, my choice is Corina Pittella.”

José Liberato Júnior

Physical Therapist – Dip. MDT
Owner of “Fisioterapia Liberato”
(Certified McKenzie Clinic©)
Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais - Brazil

Maternity Leave Announcement

Dear patients,

From the second half of January, I will no longer provide services as I am taking maternity leave.

I will return to work in 2025.

For further information please contact me directly via email, which can be found here on the website.

Best regards,
Corina Pittella